The story behind the name "LEGACY85" – LEGACY85 - a Retro Culture brand
The story behind the name "LEGACY85"

We get many folk asking where the name 'Legacy85' came from? Well it was the result of research carried out when we were looking for a brand name synonymous with our business and the motorcycle industry.

On November 10th 1885 (134 years ago today), arguably the first motorcycle was invented by Gottlieb Daimler and his colleague, Wilhelm Maybach. Gottleib's son Paul Daimler, made the first ever journey of 5.5km on a motorcycle. 

This motorcycle was nicknamed 'the grandfather clock' for its pendulum-like appearance in a wooden frame with iron clad wooden wheels. There was no suspension and only a rear brake. The engine had 0.5HP with a top speed on 11km/hr.

So Legacy85 (shortened from Legacy1885) is an acknowledgement and salute to the advent and Legacy of the first motorcycle.

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